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Real Estate News you need to know!

Check out what's happening in the mortgage industry this week.

LodeStar and RDAssociates LaunchMortgage Sentinel
LodeStar and RDAssociates are proud to announce the launch of Mortgage Sentinel, a first of its kind “secret shopper” service for the mortgage industry. 

Supreme Court ruling against CFPB structure also puts Calabria’s FHFA job on the line

Justices adopt “at will” provision, letting presidents fire heads of single-director agencies

Pending home sales staged a historic rebound in May, meaning the worst may have already come for the real-estate market
Contract signings rose by the largest percentage ever between April and May

New Vista Solutions and IncentiFind Make Green IncentiveData Available to the NCRA Network of Credit ReportingAgencies — Benefiting Lenders and Property Owners
New Vista Solutions (NVS) has partnered with IncentiFind to create The Quick Summary and The Green Report, two products designed to help property owners take advantage of cost-saving incentives
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